
Fairfax Villa Park Clean Up

Show your Villa Pride!  Cub Scout Pack 1513 and the Fairfax Villa Neighborhood Association are sponsoring a clean-up event in Fairfax Villa Park on Saturday, June 26, at 2:00 p.m. (in the event of heavy rain or lightning, the event will shift to Sunday, June 27, same time).  We will meet at the park entrance […]


Halley Cemetery

If you live near or have walked past the intersection of San Carlos and Byrd Drives, you might have noticed that there has been a significant change at the empty lot that’s there.  Many residents of the Villa may not be aware that there is a cemetery located on the knoll.  It belonged to the […]


Halloween Guidelines

Fairfax County has an advisory out for Halloween; https://fairfaxcountyemergency.wpcomstaging.com/2020/10/01/traditional-trick-or-treating-not-recommended-for-halloween-safe-alternatives-available/ Door to door trick or treating is not recommended. However, there may be some households that will go trick or treating. If you and your children decide to go out into the neighborhood, understand that many households may not be participating. If a house has its […]



URGENT ACTION ALERT!PUBLIC EDUCATION NEEDED VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS ERRORS BY OUTSIDE GROUP  We have received reports from members who received an absentee ballot application that was pre-filled out. Unfortunately, in many areas, the enclosed envelopes have the wrong voter registrar’s office return address. Fairfax City people received envelopes addressed to the Fairfax County registrar.  […]


Braddock District HOA and Civic Association Newsletter February 2019

From the office of Supervisor John C. Cook www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicaffairs/shaping-future-together-fairfax-county-launches-strategic-planning-effort Countywide Strategic Plan – Shaping the Future Together What does the future of Fairfax County look like to you? Fairfax County Government is beginning a strategic planning process with the community to shape the future together – and we want to hear from and include all […]